Most people, when they hear the word 'therapy' imagine sitting with a professional and speaking about their problems. While this is not completely wrong it's also not completely true either.
Therapy is a process of not only understanding and coming terms with the current challenges but finding the strength and resolve to move forward by creating change.
This change process cannot happen until we fully understand and express our challenges. This is where a therapist comes in. When you express your concerns to a therapist, you find clarity through the exchange of information due to the non-biased, non-judgemental presence of a therapist. This is why it is critical to find the right therapist for 'you': someone you don't feel judged by and feel genuine care and support from.
"A problem shared is a problem halved. A joy shared is a joy doubled". - Swedish proverb
The next step is building motivation and creating change. Without this step, the bond between a therapist and the client is tainted with gloom. Embarking on this step towards change, seems compelling and attractive, when a person feels that they have expressed their problem in its true depth. Sometimes certain challenges in life seem too complex for expressing through words. Especially repeated experiences that tend to accumulate or experiences that are intense. This is where 'Creative Therapies' come in.
Creative methods of self-expression can enable a person to allow the depth of the problem to be revealed (to themselves and the therapist), beyond what normal conversations can reveal. Creative methods can include art, craft, journal, music, movement, symbols, sand trays and storytelling. Creative methods often bring a sense of relief and joy of speaking the unspeakable.
“As long as you keep secrets and suppress information, you are fundamentally at war with yourself. The critical issue is allowing yourself to know what you know. That takes an enormous amount of courage.” ― Bessel A. van der Kolk
If you have never tried Creative methods before, you may wonder if you are 'creative enough' to use these methods. Please know that prior experience is totally unnecessary and irrelevant for getting the benefit of Creative Therapy. All you need is an open mind that is willing to try.
If you feel this is something you may wish to try, book a 1-1 Creative Therapy session with me or come to my upcoming workshop on Creative Self-care, on the 2nd of December or the 9th of December. 2023.
With love and joy,